Saturday, June 20, 2009

father - a retribute

This is a repost in a manner of speaking. A friend is involved with this cool company, B.B. Bliss. He's having a contest to win $100 gift certificatate for their products. Its a unique clothing line for infants/toddlers and uses the latest technology in sportswear, but for babies! Visit the site,, but visit the discussion page (Father Knows Best?) on facebook and enter a contest (limited time).

My brother and I were talking about how no one tells you the real story of parenthood when you are about to become a dad. The life draining aspects of parent/fatherhood are not on the table. If they were, I suspect the expression, “how could one billion Chinese be wrong?” would not exist.

You share the good stuff with perspective parents. As I think about that, the bad, nasty, pukey, shitty, pissy, bleeding, screaming, crying, whining stuff has slipped my mind. Listening to my dad tell of my childhood is often turned into a funny story. The mortifying moments, when, as a child, I pointed at someone and naturally stated why is that person like that within earshot, become funny reminiscences. So here is some more good stuff.

Perhaps the most humbling moment in my career as a father was the first moment I held Lily, my oldest. I knew every moment before that one I had taken my father for granted. I was reminded of that when James was born. Knowing there is nothing you won’t do for your children is daunting. Riddled with doubt and concern, but enjoying every minute of it is what being a father is all about.

There is another moment that is very humbling, watching your children play. When they are role playing, being a mother to a doll or father to a stuffed toy, and they do something exactly the way I have done to them and it turned my stomach to see myself in action. Quickly that behavior went away and an extra hug, kiss, and an apology was made.

This one is for my mother too, but my dad let me be who I am. My father was a football player, I never played, never had interest. I played soccer, and until I had coaches in high school and college, he was my coach. He was at every home game for any sport I participated in. When he was home he was present. He learned to ski at 40 and kept up with my brother and I. My son, James, likes ice skating. If he wants to be the next Chazz Michael Michael, I’ll be his skating partner, even though I can think of 100 other things I’d rather do.

All I can do as a father is give my kids the best I can give so they can go out in the world and be the best whoever they will be. That is what my father gave me.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful tribute to fatherhood and to your dad. No one can prepare you for all the wonders that being a parent brings to your life.
